Rock N Roll Stoneworks

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Modern Full Yard Renovation Project in Downtown Louisville

I spoke with one of the owners, Becky, landscape designer Kristen Whitehead at Helios Landscape Design, and Jason Beck with Rock N Roll Stoneworks about their project in downtown Louisville. As you can see in the before photos, their backyard needed work. Becky and Rob’s dogs had made their own private escape: digging in the dirt, tearing out and killing much of the grass. The front porch and entryway also needed some attention. The left side of the patio had sunk three inches and although it had since been sured-up, it required some leveling before anything further could be done to it.

Project Overview, Requirements, and Install

In order to ensure the yard could withstand active dogs, Kristen suggested xeriscape options along with a modern aesthetic that Rob and Becky like. They also requested a full outdoor living setup including dining, lounging, and entertaining areas. Further, they wanted options for a dog run so they have a space to run off energy while outside. Other requirements included having a low maintenance space with color from low water plants, privacy from neighbors, and winter interest. Overall, they wanted a modern look with plants that helped soften the feel.

These features from Kristen’s three designs were combined in the final plan that Rob and Becky went with in the build with with Rock N Roll Stoneworks:

  • Modern concrete slabs placed among stone, and in particular, in the fire pit/lounging area with pebbles secured in epoxy.

  • An arbor for privacy with a screen that can be put down on the south side that can protect from the sun and give privacy. 

  • For winter interest, Kristen utilized dog woods which will provide beautiful color with red stems and wooly thyme which has a purplish tinge in the winter and is a great ground cover and mat on the rocks.

  • The gabion bench seating also was a hit; although Becky and Rob also wanted a gabion fence, it was discouraged due to the possibility of the dogs climbing it.

  • The modern lines were softened with additional greenery. Spartan Junipers were planted which are great for a green screen and withstand a lack of water, dog pee, and other damage. Raspberry and currant bushes were also installed for edible interest.

  • Rock N Roll also built all the fences in addition to installing the livestock feed garden planters.

For the front entryway and porch, Rock N Roll did a leveling coat to resolve the 3 inch difference between the middle and left side of the patio. Kristen’s suggestion of tile veneers were also installed. These ¾ inch veneers provide an elegant look all the while protecting and ensuring the slab underneath will see very little if any water penetration, lengthening it’s life now that it’s level.

What we’d like others to take from this Project

Although concrete for some may be frowned upon in this day of pavers, concrete’s use in this way provides a modern, sleek look which easily pairs with plants that can also soften the look as Helios did. 

The epoxy keeping the pebbles in place around the fire-pit is a great option for areas that may see high human or canine traffic. The epoxy keeps the stones in place and can make for less tidying when guests are expected.

Everything in this design and installation doesn’t need much, if any, maintenance and is hands off in terms of watering and spring or fall cleanup. That was a must for the owners and we know that Kristen nailed it.

Jason with Rock N Roll, also enjoys the texture differences - gabion bench seating, straight concrete, concrete with beach pebbles, contrasting black wire and warm cedar fencing. All these textures correspond to the spaces and are intentionally designed to work together, but function independently.